1 Do a drawing for a matchbox
a matchbook man makes a crude drawing for the matchbox girl, could it be love? i dont think so... the matchbox is wearing hooker boots.
2 Write your name in water
two options here either octopus ink or coral... i wrote my name.
3 Words fail me
i tried to use water to damage to make the words fade and then i would use that for a collage like this, but unfortunately so i partially obscured the words with paint.
4 Record yourself doing something backwards
had the idea of a motion blur effect going backwards but i didnt look good thenm i had the idea of a more futuristic neon colour scheme and it looks better, so i roughed it out on photoshop.
5 The end: travel to the end, take photographs
this one was hard beause it basically told you to take photos and of course i wanted to illustrate, so i came up with a narrativeof a girl with a camera who stumbles across an evil wormholish thing, images were drawn on the computer, i wish i could find the file!
6 Draw every chair you sit on today
continuous line drawing, someone else had the same idea and was praised for it, i wish i had put mine up now.
7 Dress as someone else
here i am dressed as myself and then as my friend anna, not much difference really ;)
8 Don’t tread on the cracks
i was gonna do a picture pook of this ghost story i came up with but while i was making the book i bleached some pages and then left them outside to dry and it rained so it just smelled disgusting. so i just did a few images of this guy stepping on the cracks, the idea being that these cracks are so evil, whats inside them?
9 Learn a poem by heart
yeah so i wrote this one as well as learning it by heart, i kinda write haikus all the time, none about nature though, during my alevels i would always write them about loosing my biology homework;
bio homework gone
this seems to always happen
time for a haiku
10 Invent a new word and give its definition
this word came to me before the brief and i thought it was funny.
heres the illustration i did as the background.
11 Measure things. Lots of things. Record
this is a lovebite, you heard me, i'm measuring how long an arm is using lovebites as an abitrary unit.
12 Write and perform a one minute play for 3 characters
instead of the play, because matt has it, may i present my notes for it. :)
13 Public / private
tutors didnt get this one... the flowers come out when theyre in private and they are little people.
14 Before and After
bleach spreading on brown paper... i dont know why its blue in the picture >.<
15 Record anything that you see that shouldn’t be
i actually hate this one.... manual photo montage.... just a bit silly.
16 This is the worst one and I bought it
aww an ugly dog, i actually love this one so much!!!
17 Count something pointless
OMG SO MUCH HAIR and so much detail!
18 Fragmentation
moving during a scan of my face.
19 Draw the whole way through an episode of the news. In red
this was done with the help of a very good websit that i would reccomend highly for illustrators week in pictures
20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero! What happens on zero?
I'm so cool
21 11.11.11
matt will hate me for putting this up... its him sleeping in an odd position.. because i was actually still assleap at 11am
22 Draw an object 20 times, each drawing getting smaller
cat pencil sharpener, it meows when you sharpen
23 180 degrees
rolling a coke can during a scan
24 Go into a public space and leave a message
me and matt spread the word about how good chocolate is by vandalising.... cough.... customising some adverts
25 Vote for……………..(put in your front window)
couldnt resist
26 Carrots make your hair curl
lots of other people did this idea properly like with real carrots... to them i say- drawing is better nurgh!
27 book art bookshop was closed when i got there... the website seems interesting though will have to have a look, especially for the books project.
28-29 these videos are funny and well worth checking out. made me think about typography wich will be useful quite soon!
30 Museum of everything
that place is so mad, and i loved it i was reallyinspired to draw when i got home, the only thing is i went at a really empty time so the whole thing seemed really scary because it was so empty i got out of there pretty quickly after i'd seen the taxidermy room... oh and that music playing... OMG it drove me nuts!
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